Sunday, November 28, 2010

Individual Blog Post 2

This commercial is advertising the beverage Pepsi. It hardly makes sense though, since there is a naked man and woman standing on top of a building naked and leaning up against each other. The slogan Pepsi is using is ‘in the raw.’ And the woman is holding a bottle of Pepsi in her hand with ‘Raw’ written. On the back of the woman’s back ‘Do what comes naturally’ is written. When something is raw it is usually in its natural form. Since there is a naked woman and man touching in the ad, it shows that there was some sort of sexual intimacy between the two of them. Ultimately, ‘Do what comes naturally’ is referring to drinking Pepsi and sexual intimacy; which means that drinking Pepsi should come as naturally as being sexually involved with someone. Also, that if you drink Pepsi you should be sexually involved with someone. However, two naked people standing on top of a building in a very busy city is far from natural.

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